Hello! Welcome to another
exciting year at Monroe Road Elementary!
We are very happy to be a part of this terrific school community.
We would like to welcome you and your child to our class. Our goal for your student is that he/she will
learn academic and social skills that will help him/her lead a happy,
successful life. We are sure your
expectations are similar.
Although each student was assigned to just one teacher, we will be
combining our groups and utilizing team-teaching techniques. Therefore, your child will be working with
both teachers each day. Below you will
find information about what to expect this year and (hopefully) answers to any
questions you have.
General Information
Please call the health aide (850-6820)
if your child is ill. Remember that your
child should stay home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours. Also, please send a note explaining your child’s absence on the day
he/she returns to school. We are
required to keep these notes on file and to report any communicable diseases to
the Health Department.
Pick up/Latchkey/Walkers:
Please send a note if there is a change
in your child’s dismissal routine. The
students do not always remember the correct information, so we cannot rely on
their say-so. Without a note, we must
send the students on the bus.
Our special activity classes are
scheduled on an art, music, phys. Ed,
exploratory. rotation, rather than a set weekly schedule. Mrs. Boberg’s students start the year with music and Mrs. Jewell’s students started with P.E.
We will be going to specials at 10:45 – 11:30 each day.
Our lunch begins at 11:30 and is
followed by recess.
Center/Computer Lab:
We will be going to the media center
and computer lab on Fridays. Please help
your child remember to bring back library books on that day.
Birthday treats:
Due to the increasing number of
students with food-related issues, and to help promote healthy eating habits, Bedford Public School District
has adopted a non-consumable birthday treat policy. If your child would like to bring something,
you might consider pencils or erasers. Classroom
gifts such as a book, game, or playground ball would be another option. There are currently 25 students in Mrs.
Boberg’s class and 26 in Mrs. Jewell’s class.
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Conferences will be held after the 1st Quarter grading period. We will create a sign up to meet with your child's teacher as conference time approaches.
Home/School Communication:
Notes will be sent home in the
Monday Communicator envelopes along with any mail from the office. Please send the envelope back each Tuesday.
Each Monday your child’s class
work will be sent home from the previous week.
These will give you an idea of what we’ve been doing and how your child
is performing.
If you have questions, feel free
to send us a note or contact us by email or phone. The best times to call are 11:00 -12:00 or 3:30.
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