Daily Schedule

8:15-8:40  Children arrive and complete morning jobs

8:40-8:50   Daily Fix-It

8:40-9:20  Mrs. Boberg's class- Social Studies  ~   Mrs. Jewell's Class- Writing

9:20-10:10  Reading

10:10-10:40  Mrs. Jewell's class- Social Studies ~ Mrs. Boberg's Class- Writing

10:45-11:30  Specials

11:30-12:15  Lunch and Recess

12:15-12:45  Quiet Work Time:  Work on Math Boxes, complete work in "Need to finish" file, silent reading, & restroom breaks

12:45-1:45  Math and Science Groups

1:45-2:00  Brain and Body Break

2:00-3:00  Math and Science Groups

3:00-3:20  Students complete Daily Planner & Pack up for Dismissal

***Friday schedule***

On Fridays we visit the Media Center and Computer Lab in the morning instead of having Writing and Social Studies.

Our Math and Science groups are shorter on Fridays.  We have "Friday Finish Time" from 2:30-3:10

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